Coding Test Failures

Oct 22, 2015

Right after I fail a coding test, the solution is right in front of me.

The Problem (similar to codibility but differs in difficulty)

Algorithm problem taken down due to DMCA violation. Was hoping this would help people but sorry, I can’t post the problem anymore.

My Solution

test_cases = [
  [[1,3,1,4,2,5],7,3], #3
  [[1,3,1,4,2,5],8,3], #5
  [[1,3,5,7,10,5],9,3], #3
  [[1,3,1,4,2,5],8,2], #-1
  [[1,3,5,10,7,5],11,2], #-1
  [[1,3,5,10,7,9],12,2], #5
  [[12,10,8,6,4,2],12,2] #5

# Expected Time O(N) Space O(X)
def frog_jump(a,x,d)
  if x <= d
    return 0
  mid_low = nil
  mid_high = nil
  last_position = 0

  a.each_with_index do |position, time|
    if position > last_position && (position - last_position) <= d
      last_position = position
    elsif x > position && (x - position) <= d
      x = position
    elsif position > last_position && position < x
      if !mid_low && !mid_high
        mid_low = position
        mid_high = position
        if position > mid_high && (position - mid_high) <= d
          mid_high = position
        elsif position < mid_low && (mid_low - position) <= d
          mid_low = position
    puts "start: #{last_position} mid: #{mid_low} #{mid_high} dest: #{x}"

    # check for solution
    if !mid_low || !mid_high
      if (x - last_position) <= d
        return time
    elsif (mid_low - last_position) <= d && (x - mid_high) <= d
      return time
  return -1

Obviously, this is not the best solution but it is something that fulfills the constraints I believe. (Just ugly code with bunch of if and else’s though)

Initially, I provided a solution that updated the last_position but it only worked when the array was in order of values. Then, I kept considering solutions that would solve the out-of-order problem but kept getting stuck because they wouldn’t meet the time complexity constraint. A day later after failing the question, I thought of going through it in my head while eating my dinner and solved it within 2 minutes. easy…I actually came up with the idea of mid_low and mid_high during the interview but my impulsive thoughts told me they ran into issues as I thought through them. Sigh…back to grinding through applications again.